Kelp forests in the Anthropocene
Funding & Associations

GecoKelp is generously funded by Forskningsrådet - The Research Council of Norway.
The project is a collaboration between individuals at several institutions including: Havforskningsinstituttet - Norway's Institute of Marine Research, The University of Western Australia, Roskilde University and NSW's Department of Primary Industries.
The project will work closely with other research efforts including BlueARC, Marine Heatwaves International Working Group, Green Gravel Action Group, REEF ADAPT and aims to support the UN Ocean Decade.
​If you would like more information about collaboration opportunities please contact us!
Get in touch
Institute of Marine Research,
Flødevigen Research Station,
Nye Flødevigveien 20,
4817 HIS,
​Email: Prof. Thomas Wernberg - Thomas.Wernberg@hi.no
Tel: (+47) 55 23 85 00
Web: https://www.hi.no/en/hi/laboratories/flodevigen-research-station