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Project Outputs

Below we provide links to publications and other outputs associated with the GEcoKelp project, with team members highlighted in yellow. PDFs of the documents can be provided upon request. 

Journal Articles

Wood GV, Griffin KJ, van der Mheen M, Breed MF, Edgeloe JM, Grimaldi C, Minne AJP, Popovic I, Filbee-Dexter K, van Oppen MJH, Wernberg T, Coleman MA (2024) Reef Adapt: A tool to inform climate-smart marine restoration and management decisions. Communications Biology, 7: 1368.


Techera E, Valckenaere J, Filbee-Dexter K, Wernberg T (2024) Successful conservation and management of kelp forests requires more ambitious use of international law. Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 33: 536-553 In press,


Wernberg T, Straub S (2024) Low light exacerbates effects of marine heatwaves on seaweeds. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 47: 49-59.


​Leclerc JC, Gonzalez M, Pezy JP, Raoux A, Broudin C, Houbin C, Aline Migné, Loisel S, Sevin L, Coudret J, Davoult D, Charbonnelle M, Valerdi JB, Schlicklin F, Van Paemelen R, Humbert S, Massé C, Viard F, Filbee-Dexter K, Wernberg T, Thiébaut E (2024) Multi-scale patterns in the structure of fish and fouling communities associated with seaweeds in marinas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 742: 1-19.


Starko S, van der Mheen M, Pessarrodona A, Wood G, Filbee-Dexter K, Neufeld C, Montie S, Coleman MA, Wernberg T (2024) Impacts of marine heatwaves in coastal ecosystems depend on local environmental conditions. Global Change Biology, 30(8): e17469.


Norderhaug KM, Knutsen H, Filbee-Dexter K, Sodeland M, Jorde PE, Wernberg T, Oomen R, Moland E (2024) The International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List does not account for intraspecific diversity. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 81 (5): 815–822.


Filbee-Dexter K, Starko S, Pessarrodona A, Wood G, Norderhaug KM, Piñeiro-Corbeira C, Wernberg T (2024) MPA’s can be useful but are not a silver bullet for kelp conservation. Journal of Phycology, 60: 203-213.



MSc Theses

Antonia Kutke (in prep) The effect of marine heatwaves and coastal darkening on Norwegian kelp forests. Masters Thesis, University of Agder. Supervised by Dr Hannah Earp, Prof Thomas Wernberg and Prof Tove Margrethe Gabrielsen.


Rowen Monks (2024) Genetic diversity, structure, and connectivity of Laminaria hyperborea in Norway using SNP analysis. Masters Thesis, University of Oslo, Aquatic Biology & Toxicology. Supervised by Dr George Wood, Prof Thomas Wernberg and Prof Stein Fredriksen.


Conference Presentations & Posters

Earp HS, Monks R, Edwards G, Minne A, Filbee-Dexter K, Wood GV, Wernberg T (2024) The GEcoKelp Project: Unravelling the impacts
of climate change and anthropogenic activities on Norwegian kelp forests
. Poster presented at Havforskermøtet 2024 - Tromsø, Norway. PDF available here.



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